Monday, June 27, 2011


Self-harm is almost always associated with emo people. Do all emos self-harm? No. Do some? Yes. I myself never understood why people would want to self harm. I never understood how it could help. Plus I've always been sensitive to pain. You see, when I get pissed off I cry. I almost never notice sadness anymore and if I do I never cry about it. I can't. I'm physically incapable of crying unless I'm pissed off. One day- when I still cried when I was sad- I scratched my arm. Just like I had an itch- only harder. And it helped. More recently if I'm angry I'll grab a tack or scissors- or if I have to I'll use my nail- and scratch myself. It stops the tears instantly. Everything fades away and I feel calm. I never break the skin. I know it could lead to something more. But how could something that helps people be bad? This I do not know. But what I do know is that I'm trying to stop. Starting today. If you self-harm, please try to stop. I know it's hard but there are people out there who will help. Just try. It'll be worth it when you're still alive and you can help others.

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