Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Getting It Off Your Chest

So many emo people say that nobody understands them. Some may say that they just haven't explained it well or they are keeping it locked up. In some cases this is probably true. But other times, we do try to tell the people we care about that we are hurting. The problem isn't that we can't explain it, it's that they don't listen. From my personal experience, people just won't understand. I've tried hinting to my 'friends' that something's wrong and I've straight up told them that my smiles and happiness is fake. They said, "I know..." But they don't know or care because right after they said that they continued talking about their problems and being selfish. Is it really so hard for people to listen to one another? Is the world really so fucked up that we can't think about someone else's needs if only for a couple minutes? I don't understand this. I've always been there for my 'friends' when they are having trouble and I've never complained to them about it. Why can't they do the same for me? Why can't people listen to emos?

Monday, June 27, 2011


Self-harm is almost always associated with emo people. Do all emos self-harm? No. Do some? Yes. I myself never understood why people would want to self harm. I never understood how it could help. Plus I've always been sensitive to pain. You see, when I get pissed off I cry. I almost never notice sadness anymore and if I do I never cry about it. I can't. I'm physically incapable of crying unless I'm pissed off. One day- when I still cried when I was sad- I scratched my arm. Just like I had an itch- only harder. And it helped. More recently if I'm angry I'll grab a tack or scissors- or if I have to I'll use my nail- and scratch myself. It stops the tears instantly. Everything fades away and I feel calm. I never break the skin. I know it could lead to something more. But how could something that helps people be bad? This I do not know. But what I do know is that I'm trying to stop. Starting today. If you self-harm, please try to stop. I know it's hard but there are people out there who will help. Just try. It'll be worth it when you're still alive and you can help others.

What is Emo?

Being emo doesn't mean you're depressed. Emo means emotional. That includes all emotions. That includes happiness. Being emo doesn't mean you cut or you're a druggie. Being emo means you know your emotions. Just because someone doesn't wear all black and isn't covered in scars doesn't mean they're not emo. Along the same lines, just because someone wears black doesn't mean they ARE emo. The thing about being emo is that you have to discover what it means to you. There are many types of emo people. Don't stereotype emo people. They are all unique just like any other group of people.